Kent and Medway Progression Federation (KMPF) works with 49 schools and 3 colleges across Kent and Medway to ensure everyone who has the potential to benefit from higher education is aware of the opportunities available and can make an informed choice about their future.
Partner Schools
Through the KMPF Hub, we run two widening participation programmes for partner schools:
Kent and Medway Collaborative Outreach Partnership (KaMCOP): activities are funded by the Office for Students (OfS) as part of the Uni Connect Programme and are aimed at schools and colleges in areas with the lowest rates of university progression.
Kent and Medway Progression Federation (KMPF) General Outreach: General outreach activities are delivered by our partner institutions and are aimed at those young people who are most likely to benefit from taking part in higher education outreach opportunities.
Please see the table to below to find out which activities your school has access to.