Disabled Students

Each year, around 30,000 disabled students enter higher education – a number that has been rapidly increasing over the last few decades.

Understandably, if you have a disability or long-term health condition, you may have some additional concerns about moving from school or college to university. 

Universities and colleges recognise this and will provide additional support to help you throughout the process of applying to higher education and beyond. 

Download The Guide: Support available for Disabled Students at University

KMPF is also working with CXK to offer disabled students considering higher education individual careers guidance sessions to explore your next steps in depth with a trained and experienced career guidance professional. CXK can help you to explore the pros and cons of university for you as an individual, explain the support that may be available to you at university, signpost you to research your options, and advise on writing personal statements. This is available to all SEND students and is not dependent on having an EHCP.

Watch a short video from a CXK Careers Adviser to learn more.

If you would like to access this support, please complete the attached KMPF Referral Form and email it to KMPFReferrals@cxk.org

Support for disabled students

Whether you have a long-term health condition, mental health condition, physical or sensory impairment, or Specific Learning Difficulty, such as dyslexia or autism, there will be specialist staff on hand at university to support and enhance your experience from application to graduation.

The support teams in universities vary in titles but may be called disability support teams, student support teams, or well-being services.

They are employed to ensure disabled students are not disadvantaged in their studies because of their disability, health condition, or Specific Learning Difficulty.

They can also provide advice about the resources that are available within the universities and from external agencies.


Disability contacts at Kent and Medway universities

How do I access support? 

When considering your higher education options, it’s a good idea to contact universities and colleges to discuss any support you might need as early as possible – even before making an application. 

You should also share information about a disability, health condition, mental health difficulty, or Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) on your UCAS application to make sure you get the additional support that you may need.

Don’t worry – all information is treated in confidence and won’t discriminate against you in any way. 

Hear about the support from a student’s perspective

Financial support for disabled students

Disabled Students’ Allowance 

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) provides financial support to assist students with study-related costs. DSA can help with the costs of specialist equipment, in-person support, travel, and other disability-related support*.

It is strongly recommended to apply early – this can be before you have even received any offers to university. You can usually apply from February or March, so even if you are unsure if you will go to university, beginning the process for DSA is advised. This means the process of assessing what you are entitled to can begin, and your support can be put in place as soon as possible after you have accepted a place at university.

*Please note this list is not exhaustive and is subject to change. All students will not be entitled to all examples of support given.

"I highly recommend applying for DSA as early as possible. This means you can receive the financial support you’re entitled to. It’s yours, so take it!"

Mark Howland (UCA Learning Support Manager)

Where can I get more help and support?

You can find more helpful information in our Special Educational Needs & Disabled (SEND) Progression Partnership section:

Disability FAQs

Disability Links

SEND PP Webinars – check out our range of webinars for disabled students on all aspects of applying to HE.

More frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers are available on the UCAS website

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