Over the past year, KMPF has been leading on the Special Educational Needs and Disability Progression Partnership (SEND PP for short!)
This is a collaborative partnership working with our four universities partners in Kent and Medway as well as other local and national organisations. The overarching aim of the SEND PP is to support the transition to higher education (HE) for disabled students by promoting HE, post-16 education and career-related opportunities.
Last year the SEND PP delivered a series of webinars which are now available to view on the KMPF website.
There are lots of new developments for this year, including a STAART campus visit day, one-to-one careers advice and guidance and the creation of a guide to HE for disabled students. All new events and activities will be promoted in the SEND PP newsletter.
To sign-up to the SEND PP mailing list to receive our latest news and updates pleaseĀ click here.
The SEND PP are aware that for some disabled students, additional guidance may be needed in the decision making process. KMPF are delighted to be working with CXK who are offering individual careers guidance sessions for SEND secondary school students who are considering higher education and want to explore their Post-18 options in-depth with a trained and experienced career guidance professional. This is available to all SEND students and is not dependent on having an EHCP. Students who may benefit from this support include those with mental health difficulties, specific learning difficulties, physical disabilities, long term health conditions, and autism. If you have any SEND students who you think would benefit from specialist support to help them explore all their Post-18 pathways, please see further details here.