As part of Disability Pride Month in 2023, the SEND PP released a series of resources that were created by disabled students, sharing their experiences of life in university.

These resources were well-received by potential students, with views and downloads continuing to increase each month (so please do keep sharing them!)

However, during the creation process, it became clear that a short video could not cover the experiences of disabled students in-depth. Therefore, the students were keen to find a platform that allowed for further conversation.

The SEND PP is pleased to confirm that KMPF is now collaborating with UniTasterDays and Go Higher West Yorkshire to produce a student-led podcast for disabled students.

The ‘One in Five’ podcast will create an in-depth resource for disabled students on a national scale, amplifying the voices and experiences of disabled students across the country!

For more information about the podcast, email

Lucy King

18 Dec 2023

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